Not all has been perfect. 😉 I defy any couple in a lengthy marriage to say that tolerance and tenacity have never been required. We have experienced moments of upset, tears, raised voices and strained silences, but those moments have been few and are far outweighed by the love, trust, partnership, and genuine liking with which we have been so very blessed. All humans change over time; no one is the same person today as they were five years ago. In my heart, I believe that the glue which has held us together is that we have continued to love the ever changing versions of you and me.
Thank you for not chaining me to your agenda. Not for a moment have I felt controlled. You have encouraged me to seek individual pursuits, to find my own successes, and to enjoy, in addition to our joint ones, my own friends.
Thank you for selflessly encouraging my real estate career. How many times, when I was in sales, did we pass at our front door, you arriving home from your career and me, heading out to deal with clients. Never once did you complain about getting dinner for Chris and Matt or about the number of Sunday’s I abandoned the three of you for open houses. And then came the opportunity to purchase my own Royal LePage franchise. You didn’t blink at the financial risk, just said, Go for it sweetie! That you trusted me to make a go of it made my heart soar; I solemnly promised myself never to let down your faith in me. I often joke that there was a giant footprint on my bum as you urged me forward in my chosen career. How true!
Thank you for being an extraordinary and involved father and grandfather to Christopher and Matthew and now Morgan and Zachary. From day one, you have been engaged, affectionate and sensitive. Thank you for being the stronger disciplinarian. A soft touch, I could have easily allowed both of our boys to become monsters. 😲 That principal voice and look of yours were not to be ignored. 😂 I know that in their education both Christopher and Matthew always knew that you had their backs. That you are now close friends with both of our boys is a testament to your involvement. Most importantly in signing off with or saying hello/goodbye with Christopher, Matthew, Morgan and Zachary, I have never known you not to say, I love you.
In sickness and in heath, state our marriage vows. Thankfully, my health issues have been few, but whenever there was a problem - kidney failure after Christopher was born, a broken hip and leg requiring surgery, anemic exhaustion and a serious bout of depression - you have been my constant never complaining champion and advocate. There is great peace in knowing that you have my back, too.
Thank you for being my travel companion and for tolerating my, Let’s go to..... My excitement level rises immediately when you smile knowingly and say, Book it Dano! Thank you for being our car driver in so many different countries often with unreadable signage, different driving rules, barely passable narrow roads and Mario Andretti-style locals. You have blessed us with the ability to travel without being part of crowded tours or cruises, to set our own timetables, to take crazy, spur-of-the moment detours, and to see what we, and we alone, are interested in. Thank you for the precious gift of eye opening travel.
Thank you, Hon, for our 50 year journey of laughter, love, companionship, celebration, support, adventure and most importantly, family! So true is that movie line, You complete me. Let our journey continue.....
Happy 50th Anniversary. I love you!