Monday 9 June 2014


I blame Christopher for this blog. On sabbatical and en route to California to present a paper, he is in from St. John's for ten days. And I can think of no better excuse to host a family BBQ lunch.  With a single remark during Sunday's lunch, Chris gives wings to my thoughts and emotions and full-blown nostalgia ensues. 

Observing the three-year old daughter of his cousin, Jen, tear around our back lawn, her blond hair blowing in the breeze and her contagious giggles spreading joy, Christopher chuckles.  Brinley is just so a mini-Jen. Look, there's Jen, he gestures as he points at Brinley.  Glancing up at our neice, what I see now is a tall willowy, gorgeous blonde.  Jen, in fact, is so stunningly beautiful that did one not know the warm, caring heart that beats below that statuesque exterior, an insecure woman could easily be put off. How did she grow up so quickly, I ask myself? Where did those precious moments go?

Time's fleeting nature is again evident as I witness our granddaughter, Morgan, holding Jen's newest addition, 2 1/2 week old, Blake.  

Downy soft hair, pursed lips, perfectly formed fingernails, teeny tiny, sock-covered feet, all wrapped in that heady baby powder fragrance. In awe, Morgan gently cradles this precious bundle.  When, I wonder, did our cherished granddaughter morf into this lovely young girl? My senses in overdrive, I can see our son, Matthew, holding an infant Morgan, totally smitten with his new daughter.  Wasn't that just yesterday? Where did those precious moments go?

The arrival to our BBQ of one important guest is delayed.  Matthew, having completed the Ride To Conquer Cancer earlier that morning, has phoned to say he is on his way. Lying in wait and finally seeing the familiar car arrive, in a flash of blond hair Zachary roars out our front door to throw his arms around his Dad.   

Daddy! he joyously greets Matthew. My mind immediately beams me back in time.  That little blonde head racing across the front lawn could be Christopher or Matthew welcoming Jim home from work.  When did our two sons grow to be men? As a matter of fact, when did Zachary grow so tall? Where did those precious moments go?

Did I take those precious moments for granted, I ask myself? Did I savour them enough?  Time flies on the wings of lightening.  Children grow up in a heartbeat.  Except for the gift of our memories, those precious moments can never be called back.  Fleeting time relentlessly moves forward.  And so I look around at beloved family gathered and remind myself that nothing is forever and to enjoy the moment, this moment. Who was it that said, The bad news is that time flies; the good news, you're the pilot.  I am once again reminded to cherish every precious moment and hold it in my heart.

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