6:30am??? Are you kidding me? I whined.
I’m friends with the lunatic fringe, I groaned to myself.
I’m retired; I’ve been there, done that ‘early morning thing’, I complained.
My mind desperately searched for viable excuses.
Suggested by our inspirational Walk15 Instructor, Antonietta, ten of us dove into the five-day-a-week program. Gee, thanks Antonietta, I groused, but here I am in the fourth week of our Uxbridge Walkers group. Yup! I could conjure up no legit excuses. 😩 My alarm pings (yes, I am too old to be jarred awake😂 so ping it is) at 5:15am. Shocking as it is, I am on the track early, by 6:00am, and readily confess that I am loving this early morning thing. By 7:30am and before the summer heat becomes oppressive, 7k+ and over 10,000 steps have been registered on my FitBit. Okay, now bring on the rest of the day!
To make us accountable, Antonietta suggested that a daily photo be taken at 6:30am and be tagged to each walker on Facebook. Early and now accountable! Whaaaaaa! 😩 The upside of the photo is that many Facebook friends of Facebook friends have asked to join in. The more the merrier, is our group response. Our 10 walkers have now expanded to 18 and counting.......
The local Ux high school track was chosen, thus allowing everyone to walk at their own pace while being visible to one another. That visibility will be an issue as mornings begin to darken at summer’s end. So be it. I find our little band of walkers growing tighter by the day. The social benefits far outweigh the agony of that 5:15am ping. Mornings are filled with challenge, laughter, good cheer and encouragement. No more is the I’ll do it later part of my vocabulary. I am energized for the day ahead.
Interested, but Uxbridge is too far out in the boonies for you to join us? Then here is my recipe for a successful early morning walking group:
Set timer for 6:30am
1 dash of contagious inspired idea
1 whole organizer
20+ legs of walkers
1 stick of selfie
1 tbsp challenge of self
1 tsp each of goodwill, humour and smiles
1 cup blossoming friendships
Toss lightly. Garnish with encouragement and serve on 500-metre oval track
Stay healthy and enjoy!
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